Following a break of about 2 months after the AFC Women’s Asian Cup, the Indian Women’s Team is all prepared to gather for a training camp in Goa later this month, where they will camp from 28th of March to 3rd of April.
The camp is set to get commence on March 28th, when head coach Thomas Dennerby will command the squad, following completing his faithfulness with the India U-18 squad in the SAFF Women’s U-18 Championship, along with Astam Oraon, Martina Thokchom, and Apurna Narzary.
“It was good for everyone, the players and the coaches to get a brief break before returning to camp once again,” stated Dennerby. “I feel everyone will be refreshed and ready to take on the new challenges that lie ahead for us all.”
“For sure, we are going to give it our very best and prepare once again. We have a very good team, and we have already known that. Now it’s a matter of taking that forward,” he said.
Goalkeepers: Aditi Chauhan, Linthoingambi Devi, Shreya Hooda, Sowmiya Narayanasamy.
Defenders: Dalima Chhibber, Sweety Devi, Ritu Rani, Ashalata Devi, Ranjana Chanu, Manisa Panna, Astam Oraon, Kritina Devi.
Midfielders: Anju Tamang, Sandhiya Ranganathan, Karthika Angamuthu, Ratanbala Devi, Priyangka Devi, Kashmina, Indumathi Kathiresan, Sanju, Martina Thokchom, Sumithra Kamaraj.
Forwards: Apurna Narzary, Grace Dangmei, Soumya Guguloth, Manisha, Pyari Xaxa, Renu, Karishma Shirvoikar, Mariyammal Balamurugan.