Fine all round display by Delhi Under-23 player Yash Sehrawat 3/38 and 76 not out and fine knock by Keshav Dalal 59 and Manish Dhillon 50 helped beat Delhi Wonders by 8 wickets and enter quarter final of the Rikhi Ram memorial cricket tournament at Made Easy ground. Yash Sehrawat named man of the match.
The scores:Delhi Wonders:230/8 in 35 overs:Siddarth Sharma 117,Pragyan Kumar 20,Aman Singh 20,Yash Sehrawat 3/38,Ankit Redhu 2/32.
Rann Star Club:233/2 in 29.1 overs:Yash Sehrawat 76 not out,Keshav Dalal 59,Manish Dhillon 50,Aditya Sharma 27 not out.